
Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Why Glow Blue is better than Glow Orange

One day a person liked orange and he liked blue.But that person liked glow in the dark.So he gave the fancy nicknames GlowBlue and GlowOrange.But the big thing was that person could not choose which is better.The person loved blue cause of the awesomeness blue sky and the commandoness of orange fire.Because the person could not choose which is better GlowBlue or GlowOrange the person looked at it in a different way.He said which is better water or fire and he figured out water beats fire and water is blue so GLOW BLUE IT WAS.THE END.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

How the ear works

So when a sound comes it will go in to your ear in a small hallway and after it will go on three tiny cercles and they are like a bridge.Then the sound will go inside these half cercles and the half cercles will just transport the sound to a hot liquid.You can even notice that the liquid is hot because if you put a cold liquid in your ear you will notice that a hot liquid will come out.But the main function of that liquid is to go threw your nerves and go to the brain.And finally the brain just determines the volume and what the saying is about.And that is how the ear works.By GlowBlue.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

How to break a wall

How to break a wall.I know this subject sounds wierd for a kid to know but since i like renovations i know how to break a wall.So first take a special hammer and hit the wall.Do not be shy because the wall will not smash you after you hit it.When you finish breaking the visible part of the wall you will see some wood.The first thing you want to do is check is espestis.Espestis is not very commun even thow it is a little commun in older houses.If there is no espestis your good to go.If there is just a little pinch of espestis or more you are not good to go.But to get on to the next part first just call your ecological company and that will make you good to go.After just take out the wood and you will say i am impressed because i broke  a wall.And now your a master at renovating.

Monday, 21 November 2011


We got an amazing milestone! 100 views! YAAY!

How to chose good books.

When you want to chose a good book READ THE BACK.If the back seems not very interesting do not look at it more because it is a waste of time.And if you think the back is interesting you should start reading the first few pages of the book.After that if the book really apeals to you you should get the book.That is how to chose a good book.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

This picture really shows power of GLOW BLUE.By GLOW BLUE.Beacause BLUE HAS ELICTRICITY.It is a part of TECHNOLOGY.

Saturday, 5 November 2011